Resolving IP addresses to host names is quite helpful for getting a quick overview of who is connecting from where. This may need some care to not put too much strain on your DNS server with a large number of repeated lookups. Also you may not want to wait for timeouts on IPs that do not resove. R itself is not supporting this specifically but can easily exploit asyncronous DNS lookup tools like adns (on OSX from homebrew) and provide a cache to speed things up. Here is an simple example for a vertorised lookup using a data.table as persistent cache.
## this basic aysnc lookup is a modified version of an idea described in
## <- function(ips) {
## store ip list in a temp file
tf <- tempfile()
cat(ips, sep='\n', file=tf)
## use the adns filter to resolve them asynchronously (see man page for timeouts and other options)
host.names <- system(paste("adnsresfilter <", tf) ,intern=TRUE, ignore.stderr=TRUE)
## cleanup the temp file
## now extend the above to implement a ip to name cache
ip.cached.lookup <- function(ips, reset.cache=FALSE) {
cache.file <- "~/.ip.cache.rda"
## if the cache file exists: load it
if (!reset.cache & !file.access(cache.file,4)){
message("ip cache entries loaded :", nrow(host))
} else {
## create an empty table (with just locahost)
host <- data.table(hip="", hname="localhost")
## prepare a table of query ip and name
qh <- data.table(hip=as.character(ips),hname=NA)
## keep them sorted by ip to speedup data.table lookups
## resolve all known host name from the cache
qh$hname <- host[qh]$hname
## collect the list of unique ips which did not get resolved yet
new.ips <- unique(qh[$hname)]$hip)
## if not empty, resolve the rest
if (length(new.ips) > 0) {
## add the new ips to the cache table
host <- rbind(host, list(hip=new.ips,hname=NA))
## find locations which need resolution (either new or expired)
need.resolving <-$hname)
message("new ips to resolve: ", sum(need.resolving))
## and resolve them
host$hname[need.resolving] <-[need.resolving]$hip)
## need to set key again after rbind above..
## .. to do the remaining lookups
qh$hname <- host[qh]$hname
## save the new cache status
save(host, file = cache.file)
## with this function you can easily add a column to your
## weblog data.table from the previous posts to get started with
## the real log analysis
w$ <- ip.cached.lookup(w$host)